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햔양도성 창의문
창의문은 한양도성 4소문의 하나로 서북 쪽에 위치하고 있다. 양주와 의주 방면으로 향하던 관문으로 자하문이라고 불리기도 한다. 이 곳 창의문 부근의 경치가 개경의 명승지인 자하동과 비슷하여 붙은 명칭이다.
조선의 태조 이성계의 지시하에 축조되었으며, 태종 당시 풍수지리 학자들이 왕조에 불리하다고 주장하면서 민간의 출입이 폐쇄되었다가 11대 왕 중종 때에 들어서 재개방되었다.
현재의 문루는 임진왜란 때 소실된 것을 영조 때 다시 세운 것이다. 문루를 새로 지으면서 인조반정 때 이문을 사용하여 도성에 진입한 것을 기념하기 위해 반정공신들의 이름을 새긴 현판을 문루 안에 걸어놓았다.
조선의 태조 이성계의 지시하에 축조되었으며, 태종 당시 풍수지리 학자들이 왕조에 불리하다고 주장하면서 민간의 출입이 폐쇄되었다가 11대 왕 중종 때에 들어서 재개방되었다.
현재의 문루는 임진왜란 때 소실된 것을 영조 때 다시 세운 것이다. 문루를 새로 지으면서 인조반정 때 이문을 사용하여 도성에 진입한 것을 기념하기 위해 반정공신들의 이름을 새긴 현판을 문루 안에 걸어놓았다.
Changuimun Gate
Changuimun Gate is one of the four small gates of Hanyang City Wall located in the northwest of Seoul. It was a gateway to Yangju and Uiju and was also called Jahamun Gate. The name was given because the scenery near Changeuimun Gate is similar to that of Jaha-dong, a scenic spot in the city of Gaegyeong.
The gate was built according to the direction of King Taejo of Joseon Dynasty. During King Taejong’s reign private access to it was prohibited, as feng shui scholars claimed that it was disadvantageous to the dynasty. Later, during the reign of King Jungjong it was reopened.
The original gate tower was destroyed during Imjin War and the current one was rebuilt during the reign of King Yeongjo. While the new gate tower was construtced, a signboard engraved with the names of the revolutionary forces was hung inside it to commemorate entering the capital city through this gate during Injo Banjeong.
The gate was built according to the direction of King Taejo of Joseon Dynasty. During King Taejong’s reign private access to it was prohibited, as feng shui scholars claimed that it was disadvantageous to the dynasty. Later, during the reign of King Jungjong it was reopened.
The original gate tower was destroyed during Imjin War and the current one was rebuilt during the reign of King Yeongjo. While the new gate tower was construtced, a signboard engraved with the names of the revolutionary forces was hung inside it to commemorate entering the capital city through this gate during Injo Banjeong.